February 9, 2009

Why gwt date picker is too slow

Recently i noticed, that GWT DatePicker from incubator is too slow in some firefox browsers. It was extremly slow, and when i clicked just to change a month, sometimes it took around 5 sec!!!

Amazing, it was worked fine in some others computers, and there is no difference if i'm running linux firefox or windows firefox.

After a while, i discovered, that it is a FireBug plugin for firefox. When i disabled it, DatePicker became as fast as in Iexplorer browser! So, if you have some debugging or other plugins enabled, it can slowdown the GWT code.


Unknown said...

Great suggestion! I was busting my head for two days why the date picker responded so slowly. Disabling firebug did the trick.

Dmitry said...

Absolutely correct.
If you've never used GMail that might be a problem to figure that performance issue.
In GMail interface Google explicitly warns the user that having Firebug plugin enabled may slow down the application.
They've probably even came up with the way to detect Firebug.